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4 Tickets at a dedicated table
Event naming rights, 10 VIP tickets, opportunity to speak at event, full page ad in program, recognition on website/social media. This tier supports the establishment of the two REACH Clinic locations, ensuring an accessible and welcoming environment to clients and families.
Auction Sponsor Recognition, 10 VIP tickets, full page ad in program, recognition on website/social media. This tier supports hospitality and breaking for ~20 participants for a year of weekly Healing Circles.
This sponsorship includes 6 VIP tickets, half page ad in program, recognition on website. This tier supports a stipend for one youth to have paid employment for a 12-week academy through GRASP Enterprises.
This sponsorship includes up to 5 VIP tickets, quarter page in program, recognition on website. This tier supports activities for a mentoring partnership for 1 year.
This tier includes 6 tickets with a dedicated seat at a shared table. This sponsorship supports a camping trip for 15 youths through My Outdoor Colorado Program.