About Our Organization

Metro Denver Partners was founded in 1968 by a small group of business people and community volunteers in response to a growing rate of juvenile delinquency in Denver. Their goal was to provide youth with the discipline, maturity and direction needed to prevent further involvement with the law, and to become stable and productive members of the community.

In 2024 Metro Denver Partners will celebrate 56 years of empowering youth to build their potential through positive relationships with adult mentors, healing experiences, and a variety of advocacy and engagement experiences. Now known as Denver Youth Program, our organization has served over 32,000 youth. Our six programs act to decrease youth violence and increase the capacity of young people to experience success in school and life.

The Denver Youth Program continues to grow and strengthen in accordance with the current needs of the young people we serve. With GRASP and AIM focused on healing to prevent and respond to violence, Metro Denver Partners and My Outdoor Colorado engaging youth and families through the inspiration of relationship and new experiences, and The Hummingbird Initiative and GRASP Enterprises, Denver Youth  Program is leading the way as model for collective and holistic impact in the lives of our young people.


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