About Our Organization

Mother Cabrini Shrine is a shrine in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.  Originally a summer camp for the girls from the Queen of Heaven Orphanage, the property became a place of prayer, pilgrimage and devotion after the canonization of St. Cabrini in 1946. 

In 1902, Mother Cabrini came to Colorado at the invitation of Bishop Matz to open a school in north Denver. In 1905 the Queen of Heaven Orphanage opened its doors to girls aged two to fifteen.  In 1909 Mother Cabrini purchased some land in Mount Vernon Canyon to establish a summer camp for the girls at the orphanage. She acquired the site at a very reasonable price because it did not have a good source of water. When Mother Cabrini accompanied her Missionary Sisters and the orphan girls to the summer camp, Mother Cabrini pointed her cane to a rock and asked one of the Sisters to lift it. The spring of water was discovered. On that same visit they hiked to the summit for a picnic lunch and viewed with delight the majestic, snow-topped mountain peaks piercing the clear,blue sky. Mother Cabrini then sent the Sisters and girls to gather white rocks which they arranged on the ground in the form of a heart surrounded by a cross and crown of thorns. “The heart is a symbol of the great love Jesus has for each of you,” Mother Cabrini told them. On July 7, 1946, Frances Cabrini was declared a saint. The summer camp became Mother Cabrini Shrine, a place of prayer and pilgrimage in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.
Today, the Shrine continues to provide spiritual nourishment to thousands of pilgrims and visitors who come to seek the peace and tranquility found on this holy ground. Daily Mass is offered as well as opportunities for quiet reflection and prayer, recitation of the rosary and the stations of the cross. Retreat facilities are available to parish staffs, youth groups and senior citizens among many others.  
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