About Our Organization

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Our Gear Up! Fundraiser is our biggest fundraising event of the year. It's what makes our work possible. 

Why should you attend? 

Because for over 30 years, we've been working toward our vision of a Colorado where riding a bicycle is always safe and convenient for everyone, where bicycling is the top choice for recreation and everyday trips, and where the benefits of bicycling are experienced and valued by all people in our state. Your support at Gear Up! helps us make that a reality now and into the future.

Bicycle Colorado is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Denver. Our mission is to lead a passionate and growing movement that champions the interests of everyone who rides or wants to ride a bicycle in our state.

We are using advocacy, education and passion to make Colorado one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the nation. We encourage and promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions and provide a voice for people who ride bicycles in Colorado. With the support of our members and numerous partnerships across the public and private sector, we’ve made significant strides in improving bicycling since 1992.

Learn more about our work at bicyclecolorado.org.

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